Vac Express provides an annual system check as a tune up of your system. We will clean and perform the following checks of your system:

Power unit:

  • Change the bag or filter (1 bag or filter included)
  • Clean
  • Measure the level of vacuum
  • Inspect the canister for cracks and insure the gaskets are pliable and not broken.

Low Voltage system:

  • Inspect and check for continuity
  • Insure the remote receiver and sender are functioning properly

Tools and attachments:

  • Inspect/clean all your tools
  • Inspect and clean your power head
  • Change your belt if needed (1 Belt included)

Valves and pipes:

  • Adjust all your valves
  • inspect your pipes and mounting plates
  • Clean and deodorize the interior of your system pipes with Tornado Power


Clog removal and other repairs at additional costs.